友人が+aに相当するヘルプを教えてくれたので以下に貼り付けておきます 私はよく意味がわからないのですが サポートの参考になれば幸いです
[Auto-Help] +q and +a are two new channel status modes (~ and & status symbols, respectively) added to Rizon IRCD to represent "Owner" and "Protected." Basically, & cannot be kicked or cannot be changed status by anyone else without a ~, and no one else can touch a ~ except by another ~. Play around with it to learn more. Visit here for more information:
http://www.gotnull.net/projects/rizonircdTo auto-protect others (i.e., ChanServ sets +a/& for you) and/or to auto-owner yourself (auto +q/~) in your own channel, you need to /msg ChanServ set #YourChan protectmode on and/or /msg ChanServ set #YourChan ownermode on first, respectively. If you're not the founder of that channel and would like to get Auto-protected, speak or memo the founder about it.
To protect/owner/deprotect/deowner yourself, you can use either botserv or chanserv. Four new triggers are added to botserv: .protect/.deprotect and .owner/.deowner; Chanserv's would be: /msg ChanServ protect #YourChan and /msg ChanServ deprotect #YourChan, etc.